Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Day 1: Arrival

Greetings from Kuwait!

I can't believe I'm finally here! It seemed like such a long journey to get here. The 12 hour plane ride was definitely a challenge, but I'm glad it's over. Flying in, I looked out the window and could see only desert sand. We arrived in the airport at 5:30pm, picked up our visas, went through customs, and grabbed our luggage. Walking through the airport was strange because there were 2 Starbucks, a Cinnabon, all sorts of different American fastfood chains. I expected my first step outside to shock me, but the heat actually wasn't too bad. The fact that there is no humidity definitely helps.

We arrived at the Holiday Inn Salmiya and were welcomed by a bunch of different people. I can't believe how nice the hotel is - definitely 10 times nicer than the Holiday Inns in the US. My room overlooks the pool and exercise center, which is pretty neat:

Here are some other pictures of the room:

I can already tell this is going to be a great trip. I look forward to starting class tomorrow! For now, goodnight!

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