Saturday, June 2, 2012

Day 11: The Museum of Islamic Art

So, another thing to check off my hypothetical bucket list: holding a falcon. I'll explain later. 

It was a great day in Doha, Qatar. Our first stop was the Museum of Islamic Art, which was only opened 2 years ago. It is right on the water and looks incredible:

Museum of Islamic Art in Doha, Qatar
Main staircase
Window looking out to Gulf 
We caught the last day of a really amazing exhibit called Gifts of the Sultan. It featured amazing pieces from all over the world and was divided into three sections: pious gifts, personal gifts, and diplomatic/state gifts. My favorite pieces were the weapons, such as knives and shields, that had all sorts of intricate jewels and detailing. If you're interested, here is a timeline of the sorts of works in the exhibit: Click here!

The rest of the museum contained really neat pieces of Islamic art. I was definitely glad that I had taken a course on Islamic art last fall, because I think I was able to appreciate the experience more. 

One last stop was an exhibit in a separate warehouse of Takashi Murakami, from Japan. We had no idea what to expect, and it was probably one of the trippiest things I had ever seen. He used a ton of bright colors and creative designs. Right when we walked in, there was a huge structure depicting Murakami, and some fun jumbo pillows with his designs:

Takashi Murakami

So many smiles! 

Fun fact: Takashi Murakami was the director (and artist, I guess?) in Kanye West's music video for his song "Good Morning." 

After leaving the art museum, we walked to the Souk and met one of Professor Bailey's former students, Jessie. She is living in Doha for 2 years and working at the Brookings Center. She first took us to the animal part of the Souk, to the Arabian horse stables! I made lots of new friends:

So beautiful!
Makes me miss horses :(
Next, we went to see the falcons. Qatar is known for its falcons and falconers, apparently. They are very expensive because they are intensely trained, and are deadly to their prey. The trainer showed us what to do, and then, I held one myself!

Of course the falcon flapped his wings
right when I put the glove on and hit me in
the face...notice his cute helmet!
Slightly terrified, but trying to smile...
The falcon, named Har, was actually really heavy! I felt like a got a work-out just holding him! The trainer helping us was so nice, and wanted a picture with us before we left.

Next we walked around the Souk and ate a small dinner outside. The Souk was interesting because it was made to look old and traditional, but it was built within the last 10 years. Quite a strange feeling to walk around, thinking you're in an authentic Qatari Souk, and then realize it was constructed so recently. To give you an idea...

Just for you, Mom!

Almost resembles the Colosseum 

It was an exhausting day, but well worthwhile. Tomorrow is absolutely jam-packed as well, so I'm off to sleep. Goodnight!

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