Friday, June 15, 2012

Day 24: Last Full Day in the Gulf

Well, it's my last night sleeping in my cozy Holiday Inn hotel bed.

We started the day with Zumba, of all things. Our friend Rana teaches classes every Friday and welcomed us into her class today! It was really fun - I never imagined that I would ever try Zumba, let alone in Kuwait! We danced to Arabic and American music and had a wonderful time! One of the things I have learned during my time in Kuwait is that the women here are so much different when they are only around women. It was so interesting to see women show up to class in abayas (the full black robe) and hijab, take everything off, wear skimpy exercise clothes for Zumba class, and then put everything right back on again after Zumba was over. Everyone seemed so comfortable just letting loose with one another, and it was such a different environment from what I expected. 

Later we went to Rana's house for lunch, and met up with many of the women from the morning's Zumba class! It was so much fun; Rana had a huge spread of Kuwaiti food and desserts. We sat and talked for a couple of hours, it was a great time!

Tonight we decided to go back to the Old Souk - my favorite place - one last time. It was so weird to be walking around, thinking back on my first time there 3 weeks ago, when I couldn't have been more lost, in every respect. It felt so natural tonight to be wandering through the Souk, even though people were still staring at me endlessly. I think the Souk is probably one of the things I'll miss the most about Kuwait, especially since we have nothing even slightly comparable to it in the United States. It is just such a unique environment where you can find absolutely anything and anyone, which is pretty rare in Kuwait - Kuwaitis, non-Kuwaitis, expensive goods, cheap goods, anything. I absolutely love it.

We ended the night with a sheesha session for our 2 classmates who are leaving early in the morning. The rest of us are on the same flight tomorrow night, which is nice. My final day tomorrow will be spent packing, conducting interviews for my research, and hopefully a final Kuwaiti dinner and sheesha. The end of this incredible trip is so near, and I have such mixed feelings!

Since I'm boring and didn't take any pictures today (and on my last sad!), I'll leave you with a picture from Wednesday at Kuwait Oil Company, with our fabulous Zumba instructor Rana!

KOC with our new friend, Rana!
P.S. Special shout-out to my brother, John, who turned 16 today! I've received word that he got his driver's license this morning, which makes me slightly terrified to return home. I know you miss me John, but don't worry, you'll see me soon! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

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